Der Ätherius Kultur: eine Welt Unternehmen vereint Religiös Männer & Frauen auf einem kosmischen Ziel

Der Quick Variation: 1954 wurde Dr. George King erhalten a Nachricht von unbekannt Aufforderung, Gelassenheit für die Welt nehmen und erweitern Menschen des Verständnisses des Universum. Er gründete eine gemeinnützige Geschäft bekannt als Aetherius Gesellschaft die Theorien einer jenseitigen Klugheit allgemein und zu helfen, die aufgeschlossenen Menschen helfen einem nahe gelegenen Abschnitt in den USA, Großbritannien, Kanada, Australien, Japan, Schweden, auch Ländern weltweit. Von regelmäßig Gebetszeiten Unterrichtsstunden bis zu jährlichen Pilgerfahrten erschließt sich die Ätherius Gesellschaft ein kosmisches Fachwissen und spirituelle Energie definitiv jenseits von Vorstellung.


Wirklich Liebe ist tatsächlich mystische Energie innerhalb Weltmarkt ansehen. Liebe verbindet Menschen, inspiriert Maßnahmen, und liefert was bedeutet Millionen von|unzähligen|Dutzenden von|einer unglaublichen Anzahl von|vielen} physisches Leben. Obwohl wir vielleicht nicht normalerweise verstehen, ist Liebe ist sehr wichtig mit dem Ätherius Gemeinschaft für Europa, im Vergleich möchte Wasser in einem von seinem Predigten: “wie Leben wie Sie vielleicht wissen es auf der Erde konnte existieren ohne Wasser, nichts innerhalb des Universum ansehen, könnte existieren telepathische Kommunikation von einem höheren Alien Intelligenz. Der Typ glaubte es war absolut ihre Pflicht um auszudrücken die optimistische Botschaft des Mitgefühls, Gelassenheit, und Liebe.

Heute bietet der Ätherius Gesellschaft Funktionen Präsenz in London, l . a., und einige Orte auf der ganzen Welt. Seine Menschen normalerweise zusammenkommen, um verteilen genießen und therapeutische Energie innerhalb ihrer Gemeinschaften und in Planeten. Wenn du denkst angezogen von diesem heiligen Ziel, es ist möglich Besuch eine Vorlesung, zusätzliche Heilung Rituale von gemeinnützigen Organisation. Jeder, unabhängig von ihrem Geschichte oder Werte, ist tatsächlich Dies ist den Bemühungen der Ätherius Gesellschaft Bemühungen zu verbessern spirituelles Verständnis zu verbessern , mit Ätherius Kultur. “wir sind genau hier um zu versuchen senden genauso viel hoch spirituell Elektrizität für alle einmal wir können. “

Dr. George King gestartet gründete die spirituelle Bewegung im Jahr 1955

In könnte 1954 a notiere über Dr. George King, wer war ein Verständnis von Yoga und eine Trance durchschnittliche, wie er war a student in their flat in London. A gentle, yet company, sound outside his human anatomy believed to him: “ready yourself! You might be being the voice of Interplanetary Parliament.”

Today, George had never ever heard about an interplanetary parliament, although ethereal words remaining him stunned. The guy knew he’dn’t imagined all of them, but he could not comprehend whatever designed. He invested the remainder of his life endeavoring to realize the program established by that prophetic first contact. Although the guy could not clarify exactly why, he mentioned the guy understood without a doubt he was basically contacted by an alien and strong force to greatly help deliver mankind back from verge of deterioration.

By developing their religious understanding and forging telepathic networks, George heard a number of other emails through the extraterrestrial communicators, such as a Venusian Master known as Aetherius, which is a Greek phrase meaning tourist through ether.

George formally began The Aetherius Society in 1955. Their purpose was to distribute the theories of this alien gods and lead other individuals down a path of enlightenment and comfort. The corporation features since grown into a global movement encompassing countless souls aimed at living and enjoying on an increased spiritual degree.

Look for the amazing tale of Dr. George King’s existence work right here. As George themselves said, “i really do maybe not ask the unbeliever to believe at a time, but only demand that he applies whatever Aetherius says to his very own explanation.”

Discover treatment & factor on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What links members of The Aetherius Society together is a good, heartfelt aspire to help other individuals to make worldwide an improved place. Individuals from all walks of life, from Quakers to atheists, find their way to your Aetherius culture. “the people originate from variable backgrounds in accordance with numerous quantities of spiritual advancement,” Oscar said, “nevertheless they all communicate the internal information or urge to be of religious service to everyone.”

The business makes it easy for beginners to get included by welcoming these to attend divine solutions or prayer traditions. All week-long, members can immerse themselves for the sermons, lectures, courses, and spiritual undertakings on the community. You are able to look-up activities online and discover as soon as regional chapter convenes. The educational and friendly atmosphere motivates people to indulge in the visualizations, mantras, and prayers centered on fostering globe comfort.

“It’s all extremely good,” Oscar told all of us. “we’ve many dynamic prayers and traditions used to purify the character and recover society.”

One of The Aetherius Society’s most time-honored practices is its pilgrimages to holy hills which contain considerable amounts of religious power. The company understands 19 mountains charged with tremendous spiritual importance. Since 1959, hundreds of users have actually traveled on hills to recharge and progress their spirits.

During times of situation, the culture pulls from all of these holy internet sites to discharge positive energy inside globe to counterbalance disasters, wartime dispute, governmental upheavals, as well as other peoples catastrophes.

“Anybody of any level of growth can go to the hills and take part in a selfless work of service to make contact with the religious efforts contained in it,” Oscar told you. “the feeling varies from one individual to another, but it is constantly really positive and beneficial. Folks of all faiths, or no certain faith, tend to be this is join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded Individuals supply Their particular knowing & Support

From California to Australia, numerous careful folks have come to be fans from the Aetherius culture and discovered usual surface with religious people who communicate comparable values. Often the entity in question has actually also fostered dedicated enchanting connections.

Oscar told united states the guy came across his girlfriend at an Aetherius culture event. She had been a buddy of one associated with the users and attended a procedure energy Prayer event because she ended up being interested in learning the Society. The woman genuine interest and great attitude caught Oscar’s interest. He told united states he appreciates her ability to comprehend his opinions and share his objectives.

Now they can be gladly hitched and committed to alike reason behind marketing peace throughout the world. “She acknowledges the importance of providing mankind,” the guy stated. “the commitment has-been priceless to my religious development. This has been a blessing in plenty steps.”

Through The Aetherius culture, many kind-hearted people have found community and company. The corporation reduces barriers between individuals and encourages connecting on an increased spiritual jet.

“it is extremely essential at this time within history to bring individuals with each other and reach beyond edges,” Oscar stated. “the leader in The Aetherius Society’s teachings is the fact that we’re one people, and we also need certainly to cooperate more collectively.”

The Aetherius community has Enlightenment Through Service

“prefer is an all-permeating power, that’s above head,” Dr. George King as soon as mentioned in a sermon. “Simple fact is that great power of the cosmos.”

Although George died in 1997, his essential message lives on in The Aetherius community. The desire to complete good, express really love, and unite humankind drives the entity in question forward, and then a fresh generation of religious folks have stepped-up to guide the Society when you look at the 21st 100 years.

Through regular sermons, pilgrimages, and various other holy undertakings, The Aetherius Society has furthered the religious trips of hundreds of individuals worldwide. Anyone can relate with folks in this community and find value in lessons of love, comfort, and recognition.

“It really is a cosmic mission, but it’s prepared for every person,” Oscar told you. “our very own people, visitors, and sympathizers show a need to offer and help treat the world through a greater cosmic comprehension of the market.”

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